Tips to Survive

Suggestions cleaned from Seasoned Pastors' spouses to help newbies learn the ropes. Don't just "survive" your new ministry life—thrive!

By the Journal staff

Answer your phone. Or at least return your voice mails or texts.

It’s a common stereotype that the pastor’s spouse is impossible to get in touch with. I once answered my cell phone, and the church member on the other line was so shocked she forgot what she called about! 

No, you don’t need to offer unlimited availability. And no, you should not let yourself be held hostage by members who can’t seem to say “Goodbye.”

But people value their pastor’s spouse. They want to know that if they need you, they can find you. If they are in crisis and need someone to pray with them, that you’ll answer. If they’re trying to invite you and your spouse over for dinner, that they don’t have to hope the pastor will remember to pass on the message to you.

Simple stuff like just answering your phone, at least whenever possible, can make a huge difference in perceptions.

Got a survival tip that someone shared with you once upon a time, or that you have learned along the way? Send it in to share here at: [email protected]m


Special Quotations

By speaking kindly to their children and praising them when they try to do right, parents may encourage their efforts, make them very happy, and throw around the family circle a charm which will chase away very dark shadow and bring cheerful sunlight in. Mutual kindness and forbearance will make home a Paradise and attract holy angels into the family circle; but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words, fretfulness, and strife. Unkindness, complaining, and anger shut Jesus from the dwelling. Adventist Home, p. 421

Too many cares and burdens are brought into our families, and too little of natural simplicity and peace and happiness is cherished. There should be less care for what the outside world will say and more thoughtful attention to the members of the family circle. There should be less display and affectation of worldly politeness, and much more tenderness and love, cheerfulness and Christian courtesy, among the members of the household. Many need to learn how to make home attractive, a place of enjoyment. Thankful hearts and kind looks are more valuable than wealth and luxury, and contentment with simple things will make home happy if love be there.Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 621

Never forget that you are to make the home bright and happy for yourselves and your children by cherishing the Saviour’s attributes. If you bring Christ into the home, you will know good from evil. You will be able to help your children to be trees of righteousness, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Adventist Home, p. 17