Shepherdess International News

Shepherdess International News

East-Central Africa Division

Milliam Kakembo, Shep­herdess Coordinator for ECD, has been active in holding meetings for the Shepherdesses in various unions. Following is her pictorial report:


Pastors’ wives from Kenya Coast Field


Trees were planted by pastoral couples to show importance of keeping the environ­ment green and preparing for retirement


Ordination at Nyamira Conference in Kenya


Euro-Asia Division

In Ochakov, Ukraine, Chalova is the leader of the women’s club, “Hope.” The Shepherdesses prepare presentations to share with the ladies, and it is a great opportunity to witness since 10­ 15 non-church members attend the meetings.


Women’s Club in Ochakov, Ukraine

North American Division

Andrews University

Seminary wives at Andrews University in Michigan held their second annual retreat in the spring. The theme was “Awakening Your Spirituality,” and the featured speaker was Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, a licensed professional Christian counselor and communication expert from Detroit. The ladies enjoyed an agape feast, communion, praise singing, hula hoops, scrapbooking, massages, gifts, worship, and group games. This retreat is just one of many activities organized to offer seminary spouses a chance to recharge their spirits


and get better acquainted with others in the group.


Seminary Wives at Andrews University


Erney Poenitz is the new Shepherdess sponsor for the

Indiana Conference.                                                                                                                                                              She
understands the “highs” and “lows” of the pastor’s wife and wants to be available to support the pastors’ wives at any time. They had a spring retreat in March.

Erney Poenitz, Indiana Conference Shepherdess Sponsor

South Pacific Division

Fiji Mission

The Partners In Ministry (PIM) from Fiji Mission had their first weekend retreat last year in Suvavou. Pr. Nos Terry Mailalong, Ministerial Secretary from Trans-Pacific Union, opened the retreat and officiated at the Lord’s Supper. There were inspiring messages about connecting with God and


the neglect and needs of pastors’ children. Momoi Sausau, PIM Coordinator for Trans-Pacific Union, engaged the women in open dialogue on the concerns faced by PIMs and how to find solutions. They were also blessed to have “Angelic Voices of Vanuatu” give messages in song.


Solomon Islands Mission

A worship conference was held at Fulton College June 17­ 23, 2008. Children preached at these meetings. Muletiti Daniels from Solomon Islands reported that the dedicatory prayer impressed her to work for God. She learned how to involve people who feel they can play a part in worship, and that music is powerful and can lift us to God. Muletiti now feels equipped to lead out in worship.

North New Zealand Conference

The North New Zealand Conference recently held a pastors’ wives retreat. Val Jones, PIM Coordinator, planned the weekend and Sharon Cress was a featured speaker for the meetings. The ladies


Shepherdesses in North New Zealand


were blessed by the stories, presentations, and wisdom.

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division

Malawi Union

Shepherdess has been active in Malawi. The following picto­rial report shares what is hap­pening in that area of the world:


Gertrude Mfune, Malawi Shepherdess
Sponsor, and Mrs. Chikomo (seated), Ma-

lawi Shepherdess Coordinator, at crusade
in Edwendeni, North Malawi Field


Baptism at the end of two-week crusade by Shepherdesses in Malawi Union

Central Malawi Field

Ireen Phiri, Central Malawi Field Shepherdess Coordinator, reports that they have 53 active Shepherdesses. There are 12 Shepherdess zones, and so far, they have been able to visit and encourage Shepherdesses in six zones. They intend to visit all Shepherdesses by the end of the quarter to share scripture and prayer.

The Shepherdesses were encouraged to take active roles in evangelism and help conduct at least one crusade before the year is over. So far three Shepherdesses have conducted two crusades, and 42 people


have made a decision for Christ; some people have already been baptized.

They are also participating in charity programs and recently held a special meeting for retired Shepherdesses to cheer them and pray for them. Cloth and groceries were given to them, much to the surprise of the retired Shepherdesses.


Shepherdesses in Central Malawi Field

Tailoring School in Zambia

Denise Ratsara, Shepherd­ess Coordinator for SID, recent­ly went to Zambia to purchase more sewing machines for the tailoring school. It was amazing to see all the work the ladies had done: trousers, dresses, hats, curtains, etc. They will soon be buying more sewing machines and then a refrigerator to begin a cooking school.


Ministerial worker’s meeting/Bible Conference for Malawi Union

On January 11-17, 2009, the Malawi Union met for a ministerial workers’ meetings and Bible Conference.


Southern Asia Division

Adult literacy program opens doors

The North Orissa Region reports success with their adult literacy program. The region operates five centers and in one month had a total of 152 people from various religious backgrounds coming to study.

One of the literacy centers is located in the village of Pa­harsirgida. This village has 200 homes with a population of 500. The Lutheran Church is the largest church in the vil­lage, with a membership of around 300. The local Adven­tist Church has 87 members and has been running a suc­cessful adult literacy program. At first the Lutherans were suspicious of the Adventists and were hesitant to attend the literacy programs. How­ever, having seen the success of those attending the programs, the Lutherans are now friendly and have asked the Adven­tist teachers to come to their church and run a similar pro­gram. Pray that the program will be successful.

Southern Asia-Pacific


Fun Games and Homecoming Banquet for Preachers’ Kids (PKs)

Through the coordination of several departments—Shep­herdess, Ministerial, Chil­dren’s, Youth, Health, Com­munication, and Women’s—a Preachers’ Kids Fun Games and Homecoming Testimo­nial Banquet was held April 5. The three-fold objectives for this event were: 1) To foster closer bonding and camara­derie among preachers’ kids; 2) To feel the connection and support of fellow PKs here and


abroad; 3) To hear success sto­ries of adult PKs to give young­er PKs inspiration and fresh insights.

A total of 100 PKs came to this first-of-its-kind program. After the opening devotional message on “I’m a PK: Make Me a Blessing!” participants went to various “play stations”: Bible scramble, badminton,

volleyball,        table         tennis,
parlor games, PK talentado, basketball, and lawn tennis.


PKs in Philippines enjoy playing games

During the homecoming banquet, testimonies were heard from successful adult PKs, and the highlight was the induction of PKs Association Officers from missions, confer­ences, and some learning institutions. Mrs. Helen Gulfan, SSD Shepherdess Coordinator, gave the inspirational message.

Another significant part of the banquet was the recognition of more than 100 preachers’ kids for their services to denominational work and the community by awarding them an Amethyst (five or more years of service) or an Emerald Service Medallion Award (2-4 years of service). It was a day of fun, fond memories, and warm bonding with fellow-PKs.


Bangladesh Union Mission (BAUM)

Lucena           Chambugong,
Shepherdess Coordinator for BAUM, shared the wonderful work that Shepherdesses are doing in their area. On January 23-25, 2009, they conducted a Women’s Ministry and Shepherdess Evangelism program in Shibanandakhila, which is in North Bangladesh Mission.

On March 12-15, 2009, they conducted another evangelism program in Vanaikushalia, West Bangladesh Mission. All the church members welcomed them in a special way by washing feet and giving oil and flowers. There were special programs, discussions, foot washing, and a communion service.

A spiritual revival meeting was held at Beribaid SDA Church in North Bangladesh Mission on March 26-28, 2009. There were more than 100 attendees from different churches and places. Eleven people were baptized. There was no pond, so the baptisms were held in a plastic drum.