Editor's Musings

Editor's Musings

Opening thoughts from the editor's desk.

Sharon Cress is editor of the Journal.

In this issue, there are articles from pastors' wives living and serving in New Zealand, Germany, United States, Inter America, Ukraine, Brazil, and Zimbabwe. This is a lot of diversity—many different views of life in the ministry from many locations around the world. Binding factors include loving the Lord with all their hearts, wanting to serve Him to their fullest, desiring to be a part of His church and fellowship, and desiring to see our complete families in heaven to enjoy eternity with Jesus.

The role of the pastor's wife is simply complicated. Now, that's an oxymoron for you! Some expectations of pastoral spouses differ from culture to culture and others remain consistent throughout the world. It is my belief that we can learn from each other. We can learn how our lives as clergy spouses differ from one area to another, and we can learn how principles transcend country borders.

We solicit your input. As a pastor's wife you probably have your own ideas about life in the ministry—its joys and blessings—its challenges and difficulties. We welcome an article from you. And, we welcome your feedback about the magazine.

May the Lord bless and keep each one of you close to Him.

Your friend in Jesus,
